Terms & Conditions

Dated: 29th June 2020
Version 1.0.1

this version of the Workknot App is valid to be used only in Gaya district in Bihar(India). this version of Workknot App is only valid till 14th September 2020 starting from 23rd June 2020.

This page and all the contents of this page are collectively called as "Terms & Conditions" or "T&C".
this Terms & Conditions(T&C) is a part of the Workknot App and holds same validity as held by this version of the Workknot App Please read this page carefully before using Workknot.

Thank You for using the products, services and features (collectively "Workknot" or "Service") provided by the Workknot mobile application or software (collectively the "Workknot App" or the "Workknot Platform").
Workknot works on the wilful interaction between the Customer and/or the Worker or You and the Workknot Platform.
"You", "Your" or "Yourself" refers to you, the person (including the Customer and the Worker) accessing, using or interacting with the Workknot App or Service and accepting the Terms & Conditions. "You" does not include Us("Team Workknot").

For T&C and throughout the Workknot App or any of its part or any or all parts of the Service, "Customer" means any person or group of persons or entity who uses Service (or the Workknot Platform) and/or hires and/or communicates the Worker (through Workknot App only) for Service provided in the Workknot App.
"Worker" means any person or group of persons or entity who uses Service (or the Workknot Platform) and/or get communicated and/or hired by the Customer for performance or delivery of certain Service (provided under the Workknot App) through the Workknot App only.

These T&C apply to the Customer, the Worker and You.

The entity providing the Service is a group of students (referred to as “Team Workknot”, “We”, “Us” or “Our”) with an office located in Gaya, Bihar(India). We (“Team Workknot”, “We”, “Us” or “Our”) are not a part of the Customer, the Worker or You.

These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India.

All rights are reserved.

Any query, suggestion, request or complaint regarding the Service or the Workknot App can be mailed to Us at workknot@gmail.com.

How Workknot works?

The Workknot App, which can run on Android Devices, consists of a well-designed user interface which provides multiple options (on its Home screen) which can be selected to hire or connect to different types of temporary Workers (like Mason, Electrician, etc.) based on their availability in your City or Area (You can opt for your city too). Choosing one of the given options will direct you to a list of Names of the Workers in the same field which you opted for. Choosing any of the Names, You will be redirected to the Worker's Profile where you can see their Name and Contact Number. You can directly call them by tapping on the "Tap to Call" option on the same window. "Tap to Call" will redirect you to your Device Dialler or Caller. Here, your communication will be completely between you and the Worker you called, just like in the ordinary case. We will not be Tapping or Recording or Interfering with Your call. Similarly, you can also contact Construction Dealers through sliding down the app window and clicking on several slides in the "Buy Construction Products" area.
The top-left icon consist of right-sliding Menu where You can see other options viz. 'Home' (to go on Home window), 'Profile' (to see Your Workknot Profile), 'About Us' (to know about Us), 'Need Help?' (to ask for Our help), 'Terms & Conditions' (to read T&C), 'Join Workknot' (to join Workknot as a Workker) and 'Logout'(to logout from Workknot App).

Who may use Workknot?

("use", "uses" or "using" refers to hiring someone and/or getting hired by someone and/or communicating someone for the Service through the Workknot App only and/or interacting with the Workknot App or some or all of the Service.) For using the Workknot App, You must be atleast 18 years old and You must be eligible to work in India(if You are Worker) and are completely eligible to have contracts as per the laws of India(if You are Customer or Worker).

Why We ask for your Information?

We ask for your information to ensure good quantity & quality of Service provided to You by Workknot and to ensure that You are using Workknot in the best way possible. To use the Workknot App or the Service, You may be required to provide your name, address, email id, phone number, work speciality or any other information (collectively, "Information") as per the requirements for the Workknot App or the Service. The security of your Information is important to Us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We always try to protect your Information, We cannot guarantee its absolute security. However, We may share (to any other person or platform or entity) some or all of your Information You provide Us, when required to ensure better Service.
In addition to Information, You may be asked for permission for accessing media, call, storage, camera, location access or any other on your device using Workknot App to maintain your profile on Workknot or for any requirement regarding the Service and We may also share & use (as per Our needs) such data obtained to improve the quality of the Service.

How We earn?

Currently, We do not expect for or operate in consideration for money and are only focusing to make Workknot a good platform for You for the described Service provided by Workknot. However, You may expect or get some (mostly third party) Advertisements on your device while using Workknot.
We may, as when required, make certain changes to Our working model or Service or Workknot without any prior information for getting financial gain or gain of any other type in order to continue the Service further. We may inform You after making such changes.

What is Our responsibility & liability?

We are just a connectivity medium or a facilitation platform between the Customer and the Worker. We just connect the Customer and the Worker and if required, provide certain other facilities or Service. We ARE NOT LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMANCE OR NOT PERFORMANCE OF ANY DUTY OR SERVICE ON BEHALF OF EITHER THE CUSTOMER OR THE WORKER.

In no event shall Workknot, nor any of Us, shall be held liable for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of the Workknot App or Service whether such liability is under contract or not. Workknot App or Team Workknot shall not be held liable for any indirect, consequential or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of the Service. We express no representations or warranties, of any kind related to the Workknot App or the Service. Also, nothing contained on the Workknot App shall be interpreted as advising You.

Your use of the Service or the Workknot App

It is the sole responsibility and liability of the Worker to perform the concerned Service once hired by the Customer (through Workknot) in agreed time and it is the sole responsibility and liability of the Customer to pay the agreed amount of money/consideration for the Service performed by the Worker (communicated through Workknot only) to the Worker. We are not liable or responsible for the payment of any of the Service. We are under no obligation to provide the Worker with a minimum number of requests for Service or minimum wage or any kind of compensation. Both the Customer and the Worker must bear personal responsibility and liability of all kinds and as per written in T&C in order to use the Workknot App.
If selected by the Customer to perform the Service, the Worker will be required to enter into a separate Work Agreement or Contract (whatever required) directly with the Customer before the commencement of the Service. The Worker will also be solely liable for any personal taxation that may apply as a result of being paid for the Service.

The Customer is entirely responsible for taking the necessary precautions to protect both personal safety and property when engaging with the Service provided by the Worker. The Worker is entirely responsible for the performance of the work he/she is agreed upon or willing to do in any healthy or unhealthy environment as per his/her choice. We have no responsibility to provide for healthy environment or any kind of protective equipments.

The Customer, the Worker or You are not allowed to:
-republish, redistribute or re-transmit the Workknot App;
-copy or store the Workknot App other than for your use as permitted by these Terms & Conditions and as may occur incidentally in the normal course of use of your mobile device;
-store the Workknot App on a server or other storage device connected to a network or create a database by systematically downloading or copying and storing any data from the Workknot;
-remove or change any content of the Workknot App or attempt to circumvent security or interfere with the proper working of the Workknot App or any servers on which it is hosted;
-use the Workknot App in a way that might damage Our name or reputation or of Workknot's.

Other demands or considerations, if any, are the matters of the Customer and/or the Worker (We have no liability or responsibility for that).
We are not responsible to provide any kind of tools, equipments, raw materials, fares or wages other than the Service provided and chosen by the Customer in the Workknot App,
We are not responsible to provide any other type of Service other than those mentioned in and/or opted in and/or ordered from Workknot by the Customer or Worker or You.
We are not responsible or liable to compensate anyone for any injury or damage occured due to the negligence or any bad conduct of the Customer or the Worker or You while using the Service or the Workknot App.

The Worker acknowledges and confirms that they are an independent self employed contractor or person and nothing in these T&C or the Service that the Worker provides via the Workknot Platform is intended to, or shall be deemed to establish any relationship of: joint partnership; agency; employer and employee; or other between the Worker and Us under any circumstances.

The Customer acknowledges and confirms that they are independent person or group of persons and nothing in these T&C or the Service that the Customer is provided by the Worker via the Workknot Platform is intended to, or shall be deemed to establish any relationship of: joint partnership; agency; employer and employee; or other between the Customer and Us under any circumstances.

External Links

Our Service may contain external links that are not operated by Us. If You click on those links, You may be directed to a third party's site or elsewhere for any offers or promotions. We strongly advise You to review the privacy policy and terms and conditions of every site You visit. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites, products or Service.

Intellectual Property Rights

You acknowledge that all present and future copyright and other intellectual property rights subsisting in, or used in connection with, the Workknot Platform and the Service (the “Intellectual Property”), including the manner in which the Website or the App is presented or appears and all information and documentation relating to both the Website and the App, is Our property (or that of Our licensors) and remains vested in Us at all times and nothing in these T&C shall be taken to transfer any Intellectual Property to either the Customer or the Worker or You.

Our Rights

It is Our soul right to cancel, continue, discontinue, terminate or restart the working of the Workknot App and some or all of the Service provided under it as and when required or when We think fit. We may try to keep in mind the interests of everyone connected to and/or through Workknot while doing so. IT IS Our SOUL RIGHT TO MAKE ANY TYPE OF CHANGE OR CHANGES IN WORKKNOT OR ITS ANY PART OR IN Service OR ANY OF ITS PART. We can make changes to any or all the features of Workknot or add or reduce or modify certain Service provided by the Workknot App whenever We want and without any external restrictions or obligations and without any prior notice or permission.

We reserve the right at all times to edit, refuse to post or remove from the Workknot Platform any profile, information or materials for any reason whatsoever, and to disclose any information We deem appropriate to satisfy any obligation We may have under applicable laws, regulatory requirements, legal processes, or to satisfy any request of the police, government or any regulatory body or to satisfy the requirements of the Service. For the avoidance of doubt We reserve the right to remove any review that We believe in Our sole discretion is inappropriate.

We may assign, change, not assign or revoke certain posts to the members of Team Workknot according to Our convenience and without informing You or any other person or party and without being responsible to anyone.
The office address or Our email ID can be changed as per Our convenience and without being accountable to any person.
The Terms & Conditions ("Terms & Conditions" or "T&C") can also be revised, updated, changed or renewed partially or completely by Us and whenever We think fit and by using Workknot You are expected to review T&C each time You use the Workknot App.

It is well known that nothing or no one is perfect, so You may face some technical or non-technical or other problems while using the Workknot App or the Service.
We make no warranty that the Workknot Platform will provide uninterrupted Service or be error free or that any defects will be corrected.
So, We REQUEST FOR YOUR GOOD COOPERATION. In case any such problem arises while the working of Workknot or any of the Service or process or software, We may try to solve it. But, however, if it is not occurred due to Us or due to the Workknot App or any of its part and/or if We are unable to solve such problem, then We are not responsible to anyone for anything in that situation and We have no liability to anyone suffering from that problem or any injury or damage hence occured.
We are not liable or responsible to anyone for the quality of work done or period of time taken or behaviour or any other bad conduct done or breach of one's duty by either the Customer or the Worker or both or anyone interacting with or through the Workknot App or using the Service.

You hereby indemnify to the fullest extent Workknot from and against any and/or all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages and expenses arising in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these Terms & Conditions.

If any of these T&C are held to be illegal or unenforceable for any reasons, such provisions shall be severed and the rest of the T&C shall remain in full force and effect.

You may not assign, transfer or sub-contract any of your rights under these Terms without Our prior written consent. We may assign, transfer or sub-contract all or any of Our rights at any time without consent.
A person who is not a party to these T&C shall not have any rights under to enforce any provision in these T&C.

These T&C shall be subject to the laws of the Republic of India and the parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of India.

By reading the Terms & Conditions ("Terms & Conditions" or "T&C") and using Workknot App ("Workknot App") and/or by continuing to navigate the Service or Workknot App without accepting the Terms & Conditions, You hereby acknowledge and agree to Workknot's Terms & Conditions and You also affirm that You are fully competent to use Workknot, You have no any objection to the Terms & Conditions or to Workknot or to Us, and You abide by and comply with and are satisfied with the Terms & Conditions completely and use Workknot with your own wish and responsibility.